Sunday, April 1, 2012

Even a bad day is better than a day without running at all

So now it is April. And sadly, it has again been like week and a half since I ran. Mostly that was because I was busy, but also sometimes lazy, and sometimes had all the good intention of going to run but then I fell asleep. So there's that.

But I ran today! And am determined to get back into my rhythm. Because it's the beginning of a new month and that's always a good time to re-resolve things right? I will do this. Yes, yes I will.

Today's run did not go so great though, for a couple of reasons. First of all, my ankle started to really bother me part of the way through, but towards the end, and I thought I could push through it, but that made it hurt more, so I cut out the last loop around the cul-de-sac and just went home. It was still close to my usual 2 miles, but it was just 1.75. I was also just slower than usual, I think my first mile was something like 13 min and something seconds, which is probably my worst time since like my first or second week back in February. I attribute this to it's being HOT outside, because now it is spring time in Arizona. I will definitely need to find an indoor running option.

I also partially blame my little sister, who came running with me. Now this is unfair because A) she is ten years younger than me, B) plays volleyball, C) is taller aka has longer legs than me, and D) is a skinny fit little thing. She kept getting like way farther ahead of me, and that was okay, but I had to keep telling her to stop and slow down because I didn't want her to go around any corners without me where I couldn't see her. So I wasn't able to just run comfortably at my own speed, you know? So it was no bueno.

But hey, at least I got off my butt and RAN right? It's a (fresh) start.