Monday, September 10, 2012

Falling behind without wanting to!

Guys, school is getting in the way! And so is being sick. I have been sick since Wednesday, so while I was good last week on Tuesday and went to run (which was hard after not running for a week because of school), I have been sick sick SICK since then and haven't run again! No bueno!

But I'm feeling much, but yet not totally, better now, and hopefully tomorrow I will A) feel well enough to run, and B) have time to run. I have a very busy day tomorrow, when usually I have Tuesdays off since I have a simulation day at school, then hopefully I get out early enough to go run before going to a meeting at 5:15, otherwise, I'll try to go after that. Which will be late but I feel like I have to. I cannot fall off the wagon! Gotta keep running. 131 days till my race.

Last weekend when I was at Disneyland was the Disneyland Half Marathon, and it was so great to see the runners finishing their run up Disney Way, and then seeing all the finishers in the park throughout the day with their race medals and their "I did it!" shirts! And I WANT THAT. So it was some good motivation. Just gotta get back to it.

Tomorrow. If I'm not dying. *cough*