Friday, March 23, 2012

Fail fail fail. And then a win.

Ahhhh now it's been even longer since I posted! Almost a whole month!

I apologize for my disappearance, and I wish I could say that I haven't been posting just because my school has been keeping me crazy busy, which it has. But because of that crazy busy-ness, I also, sadly, have not been running. SO BAD. I had gone a whole month and only missed one day, because I was at Disneyland, but then my last day running was the 6th, because on the 8th, I was definitely going to run, but that day was crazy because I was at school till 3, then had to go to my hospital to pick and research a patient for the next day (oh nursing school) and didn't leave there till like 5, got stuck in traffic on the way home (of course) and had to be at Tempe Marketplace by 6:30 for a special preview screening of a new and coming this summer Disney/Pixar film! So I didn't get the chance to go home like I wanted in between all those things to run. Then of course that Sunday the 11th was MY BIRTHDAY and I was Disneyland/driving home from Disneyland, and so there was no running that day either.

Then last week was just murder, complete and total death. And I should have run this past Sunday but I was like IT'S SPRING BREAK AND I'M A COUCH POTATO TODAY.

And then of course I felt all bad about it, and I was like UGH I don't WANT to run but I CAN'T GIVE UP ON THIS THING, so I came here and read my friends' blogs and got some motivation and then I ran! Woo hoo. I did not run yesterday though because it was HUNGER GAMES DAY and I was busy making cupcakes and doing party things with my buddies. But I will run on Sunday and I will be getting back on track now. For reals. I AM NOT GIVING THIS UP, NO WAY NO HOW.

The end.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tired girls make slow runners

Sorry it's been so long since I posted; last week was crazy! However, just because I don't post doesn't mean I'm not running. I have now been running three times a week for three weeks, and have only missed one day, on which I was at Disneyland, walking around the whole time anyway. lol

Today was not my best day. I have been very tired all day because yesterday was my first lab day for the Adult Health part of my semester, from 7:30-2:45, and then Bonster and I had a TV marathon afternoon and didn't go to bed till like 11:30. BUT I REGRET NOTHING. It was awesome, but then of course it caught up to me today since we had to get up at 7:45 to go to school and I have been awake since. So I was kinda slow, but at least I still got out there and ran. But guess what I did, which I have been doing since Thursday?


I am amazed at myself. It just was something I did on Thursday, like every day I've been trying to take my first jogging stretch a little farther, like to the next stop sign or whatever, but I just kept looking forward to the next one and thought, yeah I could get to there at this pace. And so I did. Until I got to Pita's house. And then it was like, I was so close to the mile mark anyway and so I just did a whole mile at the same speed! So I've been doing that for the last week I guess.

And now my fastest mile, from Tuesday, is 11:41. LESS THAN TWELVE MINUTES.

High school Jovanie, who dreaded the days they made us do 12 minute miles in PE, thinks that Present day Jovanie is a goddess.

Lastly, and this might sound weird, but my butt hurts! Not so much now as when I was actually running, but I think I'm getting butt muscles! WHO KNEW THERE WERE MUSCLES THERE!?!?!?

(well I mean, I did, because hello I took Anatomy, but... it was supposed to be a hypothetical question. Whatever.)