Monday, July 30, 2012


Guys I ran FOUR MILES yesterday! Four! More than three, less than five, FOUR! This is the second time I've done that many miles, but I did it FASTER this time! Not by a lot, but by enough. When I first did it, back about almost exactly two months ago in May, I did 4.06 miles, in 50:54, with an average speed of 12'31" per mile.

Yesterday, it was 4.07 miles in 48:36 and my average speed was 11'55" a mile. BOOYAH!

Also, I love my Nike+ app, it gives me little badges whenever I break a record! I broke three yesterday! It's like I'm at the Olympics or something!

But I felt really good about it, because I pushed myself really hard. Normally, this is how I run: I do one lap (1/10th of a mile) around the track walking to warm up, then I run for a mile. Then I walk a lap, then do 3 running laps, and repeat that pattern till I'm done. This time, I started the same with one walking lap and one mile running, and then kept up that pattern, of one walking lap and then running till I hit the next mile! IT WAS CRAZY. The thing I noticed most was that I was thirsty, so I think I just need to hydrate better beforehand.

So that's all. I am very excited that I did so great. Excited to keep going.

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