Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Don't Stop Believin': an appropriate song

You know how people always say that exercise can give you more energy? I've never really expected that to be true, because, you know, it just sounds counter intuitive. Like I'm going to get energy by going out and expending all this energy running around? Does not compute.

Today I was making flash cards before the time I had planned to go run, and I was like FALLING ASLEEP in my chair. This is probably because I was up super late making adorable geeky Star Wars Valentines for my friends, but whatever. I was so tired, and I was like, UGH NOW I GOTTA GO RUN, but I got up and I did it and MAN did I feel energized after that! Myth: Confirmed!

Anyway, sorry I haven't posted since like Thursday, but FEAR NOT! I continue to run/jog/walk! And I am feeling so good, because HEY I have run a whole week's worth of running! I have run SIX WHOLE MILES so far! And I keep getting a little faster and less tired/winded/sore each time! For example, first day running, my legs were like HOLY CRAP JOVANIE WHAT DID YOU DO TO US WHY DID YOU DO THAT WE HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO DESERVE THIS TORTURE. And they kinda kept making me go ow ow ow for like three days. Then on Sunday, they were like Ahhhhhh well this is still uncomfortable and we still hate you for it but okay. And then not sore really after that. TODAY, they are like, oh we ran today? That's cool, I guess we could do that again! And I am no longer having CRAZY COUGHING FITS after running! That happened the first two days which I forogt to mention; is that normal? But today that did not happen to me. So that was nice. Also, have a look at these numbers please:

On the way to my grandma's house, 0.9 miles:
Thursday: 12:09
Sunday: 11:58
Today: 11:29!

On the way back from my grandma's house, 1.1 miles:
Thursday: 16:13
Sunday: 15:05
Today: 15:27

Just getting teeny tiny bits faster every time! Yay! The last one is not really as exciting as this little detail: SOMEHOW I managed to run my fastest mile today! 13:42! Which surprised me a lot because I knew on Sunday I'd do better than Thursday's time because Thursday my ankle was hurting, so I went from I think 14:11 to 14:05, but today, it was REALLY COLD outside, for Arizona, and I've never run in the cold and my wardrobe is not equipped for running in the cold! So I was out in my tiny shorts with a sporty track jacket I've had (but never deserved) for years, and I thought I was going much slower than usual, but I think I'm just getting better at pacing myself with the running/jogging vs power walking. So when the little app voice went, "One mile completed. Time, 13 minutes 42 seconds," I was blown out of my mind! It feels awesome. Lance Armstrong gave me the little vocal high five at the end of my run, congratulating me on my fastest time.

I am feeling very good about myself and all this. I'm drawing little stick figures running on my calendar for every day that I run and that's fun to look up there and see the little pink running stick men! Except the first one wasn't very good, and looks like he's falling over, which I suppose is appropriate.

Oh and Happy Valentine's Day everyone. I'm glad I get to share my stories with people I love and who love me. Hopefully by next year, my Valentine will be with me and not very far away. And maybe we will go on a romantic run together. :)

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