Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Today I ran two whole miles.... WITHOUT STOPPING.

I KNOW. It's crazy for the past two weeks, I have done the first mile, then stopped to drink water and sit with my grandmother for like 10 minutes and then be on my way again, back to my house. But today, my grandmother was still on her way home from the hospital (minor stroke, she's totally fine though), so I didn't have a place to stop, and so I said to myself, "SELF! You are just going to keep going today!"


And I didn't even want to kill myself or anyone else at the end! I was just like so pumped up that I DID IT. And then I had some water and a victory shower and it was AWESOME.

New records (per my Nike+ GPS app):
Farthest run: 2.07 miles
Longest run: 26:34
Fastest 1K: 7:05
Fastest mile: 12:44!

My very dear friend/boyfriend's sister Fredi has invited me to Pat's Run with her. Pat's Run is 4.2 miles, and it is, coincidentally, exactly two months from today. And I think I'm going to do it. It's not nearly as expensive or as exhausting and impossible sounding as the Tink 1/2, but it's sounds like a totally doable first step! I am really very excited about it. I shall probably register for it next week.

Also next week, I think I might try to add in another mile. Start pushing myself a little more. However I may wait until Thursday or Sunday of next week, because I will not be running on Sunday because I will be at DISNEYLAND. Booyah. I think it is okay to skip that day though since I will be walking around and on my feet all day anyway, and I plan to download the pedometer app on my phone so I can track how far I walked! So that will be fun.

But I can't believe I've been running for two weeks. I mean, look at all my pink little runing stick figures!

The pink marks before the 9th were for other things;
pay attention only to the little running men!

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