Thursday, February 9, 2012

Two whole miles!


I know, I'm amazed too. But I did it, I ran (some) and I survived! I ran two whole miles!

Well that's not exactly true. My total distance was two miles, but most of it was fast-ish walking with a little bit of speediness in there every now and then, especially at the beginning and at the end. And it wasn't two miles straight; I went to my Pita's house (that's my mama's mother), which is exactly 0.91 miles from my house. Then I sat with her for a bit to catch my breath and drink my water and then I came home, adding in a loop around a nearby cul-de-sac to make it an even two miles.

My Nike+ GPS app tells me that my average pace between the two runs was 14'07", it took me 28.22 minutes, and I burned 247 calories! Which is sad because I feel like I should have burned like A BAZILLION CALORIES. But oh well. PS if you are a runner, or like me, are starting to run, and have an iPhone, I hope you have the Nike+ GPS app, and if not, get it! It is awesome. It breaks down everything about my run, from my average speed to my fastest and slowest, as well as showing me on the route I ran where those fastest and slowest areas were. Like so!

On the left, my run to Pita's; much more green.
Then see that big stretch of red on the right?
That's when my ankle started hurting.

Also whenever you finish, it gives you a little motivational HURRAH from some famous runner or other. Which is very sweet. When I finished my run today I heard "I'm Ellie Golding, and as a fellow runner, I wanted to congratulate you on your fastest mile. Keep on shining." She is apparently British and it was just a nice little unexpected thing that happened. So get that if you can!

Anyway, it was a pretty good run! I had to slow down a lot, like you can see, but overall pretty good. Unfortunately my right ankle started acting up on my way back, and that was no bueno. Especially since that's not even the one I've sprained twice! But when I got home I got some water and an ice pack and went to cool off by lying on my mom's bed with the ice pack on my ankle. And then I took a victory shower! And then it's now.

I DID IT. Which feels awesome. I can already feel the soreness, especially coming up and going down the stairs. Oh and I took the stairs up 4 floors to the parking garage and have had at least 4 glasses of water today! It's the little things too.

Let's just hope I can walk come tomorrow!


  1. Good job!! That's awesome! Do you have to get the chip thing to put in your shoe to be able to use the Nike gps app? And is it a free app? That looks really cool! I've gotten a run tracker app and it wasn't very accurate.

    1. Thanks!!! And no there was no chip, I just put my phone in my pocket and it played me music and counted all the things! And I wish it were free, but it's actually only $2, so totally worth it! GET IT. :D
