Wednesday, February 8, 2012

They say there is strength in numbers, and I believe it.

So I told Leslie, the one who sparked this whole crazy Tink 1/2 idea in the first place yesterday, that I was gonna do it. She said that it was great and that she was really happy for me. I started telling her about how Bonster and CowboyChaser are planning to do it with me too (BONSTER WILL DO IT, she just doesn't know it yet). And she goes, "I would totally do it with you!" And then our other friends Melissa, Justine and Kelsey started showing up so we could get out to our clinical (Carpool FTW), and Melissa says she'll do it, and Justine says "uhhh maybe, I could do the 5K" and Kelsey says "HA NO, but I'll cheer you guys on and take pictures."

So guess what. This has officially become a thing. D7 IS GOING TO RUN THE TINK 1/2.

I should explain our group a little.

In our nursing program at Arizona State, we have 60 people in each "cohort" which is basically our class who will all graduate at the same time. Those 60 people are divided up every semester in to groups of 10 students, who will be your "learning community" for that semester. Our first semester of this upper division program, Jr. 1 we call it, DAMN did I luck out. I got placed into learning community D7 with 8 of the greatest girls I will ever meet. The 10th girl didn't really sync into our group, but the rest of us nine, man, I don't know how I would have gotten through last semester without them. They're still the ones keeping me sane through this semester, when I'm surrounded by crazy people (literally - psychiatric health :S). This group includes Bonster and CowboyChaser, as well as the aforementioned Leslie, Kelsey, and Melissa, and three other girls, Jennifer, Tessa, and Sarah. Also mentioned above is Justine, who was not part of the original D7, but was good friends with Kelsey before we were even D7, and has become honorary D7, making us a complete 10. I love these girls like family, but sadly by some crazy rule, the administration people dictate that every semester the learning communities be swapped up so we can meet new people or something ridiculous like that.

BUT WE DIDN'T WANT TO MEET NEW PEOPLE. We want to be D7 forever. And what's worse is that we are in a split semester; half of us are in psychiatric health, and the other half are in adult health.


This means we never get to see each other except during the lunch break we have at the same time on Tuesdays and Thursdays, when we were used to spending HOURS together, five days a week. It sucks, but we're making it work, and with this new goal to bind us even closer together, we're gonna make it.

And I AM GOING TO DO THIS. With the support of my D7 girls, not only cheering me on, but running with me, I know for sure that I, that WE, can do this.

Wait this is running blog...

I will start running tomorrow! I have a plan laid out and everything. Apparently it is almost exactly a mile from my house to my grandma's house, so I will run to there, hang out with her for a bit, and then run back! That's like almost two miles! We will see if this works. I don't know how long it will take me, but hopefully it will be good. Today though I tried to eat better. I had an apple for a snack and a salad for lunch! Go me! I need to continue cutting down on the soda and drinking more water, though I did actually drink more water today! Go me again!

Well this post is humungously long all over again. SORRY. But hey, I'm a talker. Which means I write a lot. SO YES. The end. If you never hear from this blog again, it means that I have died on my run tomorrow.


  1. Yay!!!! Dude, D7 is da bomb! We are gonna rock this whole running thing :) Especially you! I'm excited to see your tinkerbell wings!

    1. Haha yes we are gonna be AWESOME! Though I think the wings would get in the way, with so many people running! So I think we will make shirts with little Tinkerbell wings on the back!!!

  2. Thanks for allowing me to be an honorary D7 member! Means a lot to me hahaha
