I had to do something to it to make it stay right side up. For some reason the picture just really wanted to be upside down. |
But isn't that cool!? My parents brought me back an actual Nike running shirt and running shorts from Las Vegas! So now I'm official. :D It makes me very happy. And the shirt is GREEN! My favorite, and Tink's favorite.
My running continues to be awesome. I keep pushing myself a little bit further with my run/jog segments and then continue to like power walk between. My fastest miles now is 13:19, and I have officially run more than 10 miles! GO ME. My parents drove by me when I was running home and they waved and gave me thumbs up. It was nice. I love to have so much great support. :) My left knee started to bother me a bit so today wasn't my fastest, but I kept up my pace, not fast, just steady and not walking or running, somehwere in the middle for most of the way home.
But anyway, I have awesome running clothes now. And it made me so psyched yesterday to run today. Like I was jumping around and running around the house in them being like "YEAH TADA TADA YEAH I'M AWESOME."
And that's the end of that.
Those are awesome legit running clothes!! Lookin good! :)